Child nutrition is a major concern in many poor countries, and surveys such as WAS may help governments and Non-Governmental Organisations to improve child well-being. For example, the 2004 WAS Kenya survey includes data on children's heights, which may help researchers identify which children are most in need of help. Every person in the world deserves a decent start in life. A key issue is how much power women have within households: the 'children fare better' approach has found evidence that where women have some control over household spending, usually because these women have paid work; hopefully, WAS data will help feminist and other campaigners to empower women. In particular, Gender-Based Violence is a terrible problem in many countries; all governments should do more to prevent such domestic violence.
Anyone can use WAS data: academics, campaigners, and governments. It's free. You can cite this website as the source; or, the same WAS data are available as SN:3290, at the UK Data Archive. Already, some academic papers have been published, which are based (partly or wholly) on WAS data - please see Publications Using WAS Data. A common theme among such papers is the beneficial effects of education on human behaviour. Please contact us if you know of any other papers using WAS data. WAS surveys are commissioned on a not-for-profit basis (the WAS organisation is not currently a registered charity, but may seek to become so one day). If you or your organisation wish to offer financial support for future surveys, please contact us.
Dr. John Simister.
Anyone can use WAS data: academics, campaigners, and governments. It's free. You can cite this website as the source; or, the same WAS data are available as SN:3290, at the UK Data Archive. Already, some academic papers have been published, which are based (partly or wholly) on WAS data - please see Publications Using WAS Data. A common theme among such papers is the beneficial effects of education on human behaviour. Please contact us if you know of any other papers using WAS data. WAS surveys are commissioned on a not-for-profit basis (the WAS organisation is not currently a registered charity, but may seek to become so one day). If you or your organisation wish to offer financial support for future surveys, please contact us.
Dr. John Simister.
Country & Areas Surveyed |
Year |
Questionnaire |
Description Of Sample |
SPSS Syntax File, To Process Data |
Data File |
Additional Documents |
BrazilRio de Janeiro
Sao Paulo |
CameroonAreas Surveyed in Cameroon (Opens in new window)
Additional Questionnaires (Opens in new window)
Bol Moundou N'Djamena |
Additional Questionnaires & Documents (Opens in new window)
Congo-BrazzavilleAreas Surveyed in Congo-Brazzaville (Opens in new window)
Additional Questionnaires (Opens in new window)
EgyptAreas Surveyed in Egypt (Opens in new window)
Additional Questionnaires (Opens in new window)
IndiaAreas and no. of people surveyed in India (Opens in new window)
Additional Questionnaires & Documents (Opens in new window)
Jakarta Bandung Surabaya |
Additional Syntax & Documents
(Opens in new window) |
KenyaAreas surveyed in Kenya (Opens in new window)
NigeriaAreas surveyed in Nigeria (Opens in new window)
South AfricaAreas surveyed in South Africa (Opens in new window)
All Countries |
These files have been used to create the Raw Versions of WAS Data. All of the spending variables have been converted from the local currency (e.g. Rupees, in India) into US$ at 1993 prices, using 'Purchasing Power Parity' data from UN Data. The combined data file for WAS surveys contains a subset of the variables in WAS surveys, to reduce the size of the file. These files are compressed, to save space; you should be able to uncompress them easily (before you can analyse the data), if you have a Windows-based computer bought in the last few years. These files are also deposited at the UK Data Archive.
Copyright 2018. John Simister. All rights reserved.